The sequel to Liv's Existence
Love and Loss.
Two tiny words, each with their own powerful impact. They can both happen at any given moment and both can forever change your soul. It’s how you allow it to change you that matters. The hard part is finding a balance when the loss gets overwhelming. How do you do that when everyone you thought you couldn’t live without leaves you?
Loss is inevitable. I’ve had enough in my life to know that much. Now I’ve just got to figure out how to survive it.
Ages 18+ due to adult situations and violence. Some situations may be difficult for some readers.
Love and Loss.
Two tiny words, each with their own powerful impact. They can both happen at any given moment and both can forever change your soul. It’s how you allow it to change you that matters. The hard part is finding a balance when the loss gets overwhelming. How do you do that when everyone you thought you couldn’t live without leaves you?
Loss is inevitable. I’ve had enough in my life to know that much. Now I’ve just got to figure out how to survive it.
Ages 18+ due to adult situations and violence. Some situations may be difficult for some readers.
I was so excited for Olivia and Kyle. I couldn’t wait to hear how her first weekend filled with sex was. It took time, but I knew it was worth the wait for both of them. She probably wouldn’t be as available since she finally let go with Kyle. Couldn’t say I blamed her, though. I wanted to be with John every chance I got. Just thinking about what he could do had me squeezing my legs together.
Pulling into Olivia’s apartment complex, I tried to get my thoughts back on her and Kyle. There was no way I could talk about John and me. This needed to be Olivia’s day and the attention needed to be on them. I just hoped Kyle didn’t insist on staying. It was really sweet of John to offer to come over and take Kyle out for a beer while Olivia and I talked. We just had to get Kyle to go.
Just as I started to enter Olivia’s building, emergency vehicles entered the parking lot. An ambulance, a fire truck, and several police vehicles—with full lights and sirens—screeched to a stop just feet from the door. I looked to my left as the building manager opened the door and shooed me out of the way. “I haven’t been up there yet, but I just saw her boyfriend. I tried to stop him, but he shoved me out of his way.” He stopped, and I could see on his face that it registered with him who I was. “You don’t want to go up there.”
“That’s fine, sir. We’ll handle it now.” Police and EMTs ran through the door and started up the stairs. One officer stayed down to talk to the manager, and I slipped through the door when he pointed out Olivia and Kyle’s cars.
My heart was beating fast. It had to be a mistake. There was no way they were talking about Olivia’s apartment. I reached Olivia’s floor and had just seen the last officer enter her apartment. I ran faster as I heard Kyle’s tortured voice at the end of the hall.
“Live, please, please live. I need you to live for me, for us. We can work through this. You just need to live, and I’ll do the rest.” Kyle was on the floor with her across his lap. He started sobbing as the medics tried to pry Olivia out of his arms.
I gripped the doorway. “No! No! No!” The medics pumped oxygen into Olivia’s lungs with a bag over her mouth, as they were yelling vitals to each other. They ran out of the room, leaving Kyle and me alone with the blood on the floor and police looking around. Trying to get Kyle off the floor, I yelled at him, “Come on, Kyle. We need to go. She needs us.”
He just cried and painfully clutched my legs. “She’s gone. How can she leave me? She can’t leave me!”
I tried again to get him up. “You need to go tell her that! We both need to tell her. Let’s go, now!”
Kyle struggled to get up, but he did. We ran into John coming down the hall. “What happened?”
Seeing John broke down what little strength I had and the room started spinning. I only hoped I no longer had to be the strong one. I started sobbing. “I don’t know. Her face was so swollen and there’s so much blood.” I pointed to Olivia’s apartment. He looked in at the scene and gasped as he took a step back.
“We have questions we need answered.” One of the officers came out of Olivia’s apartment.
“They’re going to have to wait until later,” John said, turning back to Kyle and me to escort us out. “We need to be at the hospital. You can ask us there or wait until we’re ready to come in, but now we are going to the hospital,” he yelled over his shoulder.
“One of us will need to follow you there.”
John never turned around as we headed toward the stairs. “Do what you must, but we’re leaving.”
B.L. Mooney started writing when the voices and storylines in her head ran out of room. They were getting too cramped and neither B.L. nor the characters could take it anymore, so she did the only thing she could do--she made room. She always knew she wanted to write, but vowed to make time for it later. Now that she's made time for writing, most everything else falls to the wayside. That seems to suit the characters that keep popping up just fine.
B.L. lives in the Midwest and her other talents include in-demand cookies, a very dry sense of humor, and stealth eavesdropping. Some mannerisms, attitudes, or twists come from random sentences picked up while passing by strangers. So speak up the next time you have something to gossip about. You never know, it may just end up on the pages of the next book you read.
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