Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Chasing Casey Review...

Title: Chasing Casey
Author: Jane Anthony
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Marisa Shor at Cover Me Darling
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR

Casey Grainger is not only the epitome of the girl next door, she’s the girl of my dreams. The blonde bombshell of a bartender who watches me with sky blue eyes, smiles with the sweetest dimples, and whose laughter is as melodic as chimes.
She stole my heart the way sunlight sneaks up on the day. Then a death in her family took her away from me. Now my heart lives in Texas while my body rots in New Jersey. As if that’s not bad enough, the ranch hand on her family’s farm is her damned ex-fiancé.
Austin still loves her, and he’s made it known. So Casey has a choice to make. It’s either him or me, but I’m far too stubborn to give up the fight.
That’s the one upside to having nothing left -- I have nothing left to lose.

I don’t date musicians -- I don’t date period -- yet I find myself drawn to the dark and broody sound tech, whose wailing drum beats thump in time with the cadence of my heart. Beneath the arrogant grin and cocky one-liners, AJ Morello is a lonely man, burdened by the choices he’s made. But, he’s not the only one with regrets.
Mine goes by the name of Austin Krehley.
After seven years away, there’s still a connection. A tiny spark that slowly builds to a burning flame the longer I stay.
Two completely different men both hold two completely different pieces of my heart, but I can’t have them both.
A sexy country boy and a sultry rocker -- how’s a girl to choose?

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While I truly enjoyed these characters I wasn’t enthralled by the book itself.  The plot was decent but it felt kind of played out to me.  I feel like every book I’ve read lately has been similar to this plot line.  Would I read it again most definitely when I get a break from this plot line for a bit.  The flow worked well with the book and the pace well I thought it was a bit slow as well. 
My feelings about this book could also because it is that stressful time of year where things are moving non-stop and you barely have time to think.  While I was not completely thrilled by this book that does not mean that I would not recommend it.  Not everybody has the same taste in books so even if I didn’t like a book I would still recommend it.  I look forward to a reread when I am in a different mindset.
4 stars

Jane Anthony is a romance author, fist pumping Jersey-girl, and hard rock enthusiast. She resides in the 'burbs of New Jersey with her husband and children.  A lover of Halloween, vintage cars, & coffee, she’s also a cornucopia of useless 80's knowledge and trivia. When not writing, she's an avid reader, concert goer, and party planner extraordinaire.

Jane loves hearing from her readers! Connect with her on these social media sites, and don't be too shy to say hello!

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