Title: Troll Brother
Author: P Edward 'Eddie' Auman

P. Edward Auman is rumored to be a member of the mysterious, but government-funded Institution for the Preservation of Magical Artifacts (IPMA) and therefore first came into contact with Faerie Folk in the pursuit of a pixie stick. Unlike the sugar-filled variety available in retail chains and on mobile ice cream vending vehicles, Pixie Sticks are rumored to harbor great power for the restoration of flora and fauna in the natural environment. It was during this assignment that Eddie was privy to the narrative of the Johanssons and the youngest troll in the Rocky Mountains, Kile. Additionally, Eddie has been known for patenting many "better mouse traps" for the apprehension and retention of mythical and unnatural beings. However, the activity for which Eddie is most famously known is his creation of 43 clones to assist him in all of his many ventures. 42 clones survive today, following a mishap with a gene-splice bio-fuel algae agent, to which Eddie responded, "42's probably good enough. It is the normally accepted answer to the Universe and everything in it anyway."
Relative new comer to the indie publishing world, Eddie Auman, is releasing his second full length novel on July 6th, 2013. "Troll Brother" was originally inspired by the local environments in the Rocky Mountain foothills in which Eddie lives. In 2005 the story just sort of hit him on a small hike almost in its entirety right then. The first few chapters were written within days and the characters of Robert and a troll on the smallish side of his clan, named 'Kile', were born. It was not until 2012 that Eddie realized the potential for self-publishing his past thirty years of writings and began prepping many of his books for publishing.
Kile's name is actually a Norwegian and Mountain Trollish word for "tickle" and the name is befitting. Whereas most mountain trolls grow over time to a height of ten feet or more, Kile is still very small, even at his relative young age of one-hundred and thirty-seven. Having been given a secret mission from the mountain troll queen, Kile makes friends with Robert and Rob's younger brother, nine-year-old Little Ricky. As it turns out Kile's behavior closely resembles that of the little trouble-making younger brother, and with the help of his magic glimmer arguably passes as a nine-year-old human.
During the course of their interaction, Robert realizes that someone from an entirely different culture, even a non-human one, can be as close as a brother. But in the end, when it is time to return Kile to his troll family and to collect the real Little Ricky, they face a serious threat from the goblins of the high peaks of the Rockies. With the help of family and friends from the small town of Maple Springs, the two Troll Brothers make their way back to the troll city and reunite both families.
Troll Brother was written in an effort to bring to the attention of young adolescent and young adult readers alike the issues of cultural, racial and gender differences and tolerances. Careful attention to several serious matters are address in a humorous and kid-friendly way. Additionally, Troll Brother carries a dedication to a young soldier who, during the course of re-writing and editing, was killed in action in Afghanistan, May 14, 2013. Pfc Cody Towse served as a combat medic, and the father character in Troll Brother had also been originally written as a military medic. No major modification was needed to the character to pay homage to Private Towse, but the character's involvement in the book, particularly in the final battles, were enhanced as a sort of memorial.
Troll Brother is approximately 80,000 words and is suitable to be read to or read by ages 6 through Young Adult. Parents and adults will enjoy the humor and adventure as well. It was written as a contemporary fantasy, similar to the Artemis Fowl, or Harry Potter series, but with a more down-to-earth, relatable flavor. So far, among three test families with several children each the book has garnered great reviews. Troll Brother is the first of a four part series. Book two revolves more around Robert's younger brother, the real Little Ricky, and his time among the mountain trolls. Books three and four engage the adventure of mountain trolls and humans teaming up to overcome more menacing forces among the faerie world.
All of Eddie Auman's YA Fantasies are interconnected by the appearance or activities of the Institution for the Preservation of Magical Artifacts (IPMA). The IPMA was first introduced in the short story, The Old Silk Hat: A Frosty the Snowman Prequel, which is offered for free at most ebook retailers and smashwords.com as well as in print in combination with Eddie's first full-length novel, an adult suspense/thriller titled Speak Rain. Fans are asked to like, follow, friend P. Edward Auman or the official Troll Brother page on either Facebook or Twitter, or to visit www.TrollBrother.com or www.PEdwardAuman.com for more details. All followers will be offered a coupon for a free eBook copy of Troll Brother from July 6th through July 14th. Print copies will be available through Amazon.com and other sources later in Summer of 2013.
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