Thursday, October 3, 2013

Corruption of the Soul Cover Reveal...

Corruption of the Soul 
A Guild Series Novella) 
by J.L. Vallance 

It's a story that's been told since the dawn of time. 
Boy meets girl. 
They fall madly in love, for happiness is written in the stars. 
Their one true fate is to have happily ever after at their fingertips.
But what if it's not?
What if every chance encounter is really a carefully orchestrated meeting 
pushing you toward a greater purpose? A purpose that you've spent your entire 
existence fighting against?
Boy meets girl. 
They fall madly in love. 
But they'll never come close to happily ever after, 
for pain and devastation is what is truly written as their destiny. 
All he wants is to feel power and all she wants is to feel complete.
Together, Aedan and Evangeline create a love big enough to bring about the 
destruction of Humanity, as well as themselves. 

Release Date: 
December 10, 2013

About the Author
J. L. Vallance is a wife, mom, and nurse by day, while posing as a writer by night. Plagued with an overactive imagination, a lover of all things supernatural in nature, she has an extraordinary flair for the dramatic that adds flavor to life. There’s little in her world that Otis Redding and buttercream icing can’t fix. And of course, coffee always helps too. True story.


$15 Starbucks Gift Card

Signed Bookmarker

Guild Series Magnet

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