Sunday, November 24, 2013

Rose of Thorne Review..

When a drunk driver tragically orphans Skylar Rose at the young age of sixteen, she leaves her dreams behind and takes on the daunting task of helping her elderly grandmother raise her young sister. While other girls her age were living a typical carefree life, she was picking up double shifts at a local café and struggling to pay the bills. 

Always putting her sister’s needs and school first, Skylar has never had time to date or develop intimate relationships. Now a senior in college, she has her sights set on an amazing internship opportunity. The last thing she needed was for a sexy distraction like Sebastian Thorne to walk into her life. 

Sebastian Thorne had been an entitled and reckless nineteen year old when he got behind the wheel of his new sports car that night. When his night of indulgence goes tragically wrong, Sebastian hesitantly turns to the one person, he knows can make everything go away… The one person he hates… his father.

Now twenty-six, Sebastian is the young enigmatic and powerful CEO of his late father’s design company, Thorne Enterprises. With both millions in the bank and a new woman on his arm almost every night, the world never knew the dark secret he carried inside. Still plagued with nightmares from the night of that horrific accident and having to leave the beautiful girl behind, Sebastian vows to find the one that haunts his dreams. 

Sometimes the choice of revisiting our past opens the door to a future that we never thought possible.

But what do you do when the person who gave you back your life, was the very one that took it from you in the first place?


   Character Interview- Sebastian and Lucas
So I am sitting down today with Sebastian Thorne from Mia Michelle’s new book Rose of Thorne.  Thank you so much for joining us today, Sebastian.
Sebastian:  Thank you for having me today.
So, Sebastian you are well known for your wealthy bachelor lifestyle.  You have dated hundreds of different women over the years. Tell the readers what makes Skylar Rose so special?
Sebastian: Yes, it is true. I have had more than my fair share of beautiful women over the years. But no one, and I mean NO ONE, can compare to Skylar. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I wanted her and only her. However, sometimes what we want isn’t the right thing.  Sometimes we have to tell ourselves ‘no’ to protect the other person.
I see.  Well, can you elaborate on that last part? What does she need protecting from? Is she in some sort of danger?
Sebastian: I will never allow her to be in danger of anyone or anything ever again. When I say that, I am including myself. If there is anyone she needs protecting from, it is me. I wish I could stay away, but I can’t seem to fight this incredible magnetic pull between us.  It is absolute torture seeing her everyday knowing that I can never have her.
Why is that exactly? 
Sebastian: She doesn’t really know the real me. No one does actually.  She deserves someone she can love and trust and I am simply not that man.  All I want is for her to be happy, even if that isn’t with me.
I understand that Skylar is currently caught the eye of Lucas Drake, CEO/CFO of  Drake Corporation.  How exactly are you handling the idea of the two of them dating?
Sebastian: Yes, I am well aware of Lucas’ interest in Skylar. He is an alright guy I guess, but Lucas is like me, he has quite the history of being a ladies man. I am not sure if I like the idea of him using Skylar that way.  So my answer is no, I definitely don’t think that he is the right man for her.
Lucas: Oh really…and I suppose that you are implying that you are then?  Hello everyone, I apologize for my lateness. My flight home from New York was delayed because of the weather.
That is fine Lucas. Thank you for being able to join us today.  As you probably heard, we were just discussing with Sebastian about your interest in Skylar Rose.  Would you care to elaborate on your relationship with her?
Lucas: Let’s just say that Skylar has my complete and undivided attention and I plan on keeping it that way.  Don’t fucking roll your eyes up at me, Thorne!  I can’t help it that you let her slip through your fingers. Not that you were any competition to me to begin with.
Sebastian: Don’t fucking tell me that you have any serious intentions with her.  I know you all too well my friend.  You don’t give a damn about anyone but pleasing that dick of yours!
Lucas:  FUCK YOU! You have no idea what I feel for her! Besides that, aren’t you a fine one to talk?  If you care so much about her, then why did I see you leaving Driskill’s the other night with that blonde?  I bet you thought long and hard about Skylar when blondie was riding your dick! You are one selfish arrogant son of a bitch, you know it?
Alright gentlemen, please settle down!!  Mr. Thorne! Mr. Drake!  Please sit back down!  We don’t want any violence in here.
Lucas: I apologize for getting out of line here at the studio. But Thorne you better back the fuck off or I swear to Christ that I will take you down! You know I am not afraid of you! Skylar is mine now, not yours.
Sebastian:  Yours?  Give me a fucking break!  You barely know each other and you act like you are already in love with her.  She isn’t yours Drake and she never will be!
Lucas:  Really? Then I guess we will just have to see about that then won’t we? 
Sebastian: Yes!! Yes, we will!  And then maybe you will finally understand that she has and always will be mine.
Lucas: You fucking asshole!  She will NEVER be yours! 
Alright folks, that is all we have time for today.  We appreciate our guests joining us….Wait! I said NO FIGHTING in here!  PLEASE!  SECURITY!!!!!
Lucas: Thanks for letting me join you guys today.  Sebastian is good to see you again, bro.
Lucas, I’m going to start off by asking a similar question that I asked Sebastian earlier.  For someone who has a reputation with the ladies, what makes Skylar different.  Has she tamed the wild playboy?
Lucas: It is true, I certainly loved the ladies.  I used to laugh at my grandfather when he told me that one day I’d have the breath knocked out of me by some girl.  I laughed at his words until the day I had met Skylar.  For me, she is ‘that girl’.  I have never been happier in all of my life. She is amazing in every way.


Reviewed by Cindy:

Rose Of Thorne begins with Skylar out with her parents and sister celebrating her 16th birthday.  That night will forever change Skylar’s life forever. On the way home from her birthday dinner Skylar her sister and her parents are involved in a hit and run accident, that leaves her parents dead. Skylar and her sister have to move in with their grandmother. While living with her they run into their uncle. Oh my I hated this man. One night he attacks Skylar and attempts to rape her. He does mess her up pretty bad but goes on the run with what was left of the money. Seven years later Skylar is in her last year of college. She is working herself to the point of exhaustion. She believes once she gets thus internship she can get her career started and turn her life around. Then one night while at her job she meets Sebastian.

Oh my jeez I LOVED Sebastian. Even with all his flaws I was just so pulled in by him. He carries around so much guilt from that night. He has turned his life around and his now the CEO of his father’s company. He never allowed himself to find out what happened to the girl from that night.
 He allowed himself to believe she was doing great. When he spots her for the first time in seven years at the grave site he feels an instant connection to her. Seeing her brings back the memories from that night.
These two have an instant connection to each other. Their chemistry was HOT! I just loved how they just feel in LOVE at first site. Skylar finds herself drawn to this stranger, and Sebastian to her. They continue to grow close, that is until Sebastian breaks off all contact with her. When this happens Skylar feels so dejected.
Then one day BAM! She walks into Thorne Enterprises looking to have a meeting with the CEO so she can get the internship to graduate. He didn’t realize she was the person coming for the interview. Then they are throwing right back into each others lives. Sebastian tries to act cold and distant to Skylar, and that works for a short time.
Then Skylar meets Lucas Drake, another rich CEO. He literally almost runs over her. Lucas is instantly attracted to Skylar. She also has an attraction towards Lucas, but its nothing like what she feels foe Sebastian. {Ok I want to know WTH this girl is doing to get two HOT, SEXY CEO’s to fall for her. Cause I want one of my own.}
They start dating, yet Skylar is still lusting after Sebastian. Now I have to say I am TEAM SEBASTIAN all the way. I freaking LOVED him. Even with everything that he has done, I wanted him and Skylar together. I didn’t care for Lucas. Sure he is a hot millionaire but like I said I am team Sebastian. 
I don’t normally read love triangles. I usually go out of my way to not read them.  When I agreed to read and review Rose Of Thorne I didn’t realize that it was one. But I have to admit, I was hooked. From the beginning Mia Michelle pulled me in and kept my attention on the characters. Even though Rose Of Thorns ends on a cliffy don’t let it detour you from reading it. I gave it 4 1/2 stars. I can’t wait to read book 2 Thornless. I need to know what happens with Sebastian and Skylar. Can their love survive when the truth about what Sebastian has done, when it comes out? Will Skylar be able to forgive him? How about Lucas and Skylar, do they have a future? {They better not Mia Michelle!} So many questions I need answers too.

Mia fell in love with the literary world at a very young age and began putting her active imagination to pen and paper at the age of six. Over the years, she has filled up numerous shelves with her notebooks and journals of her favorite stories. Twelve years ago, Mia began drafting The Thorne Series and through encouragement of a close friend, decided to finally take the leap of faith to bring her dream to life.  She openly admits to having a hopeless infatuation with her Kindle and suffers from the one-click book addiction (No intervention required). 

Mia is currently a stay at home mom who has mastered the fine art of making a PB&J sandwich in between laundry and shuttling kids to ballet and school.   In her spare time (“What spare time?” She laughs), she enjoys photography, traveling, and having a girls night out with her pals.   She enjoys the simple things in life, such as sleeping more than 3 hours per night and 10 minute showers without being interrupted by children yelling “mommy” from the other side of the bathroom door. 

Mia Michelle resides in Tennessee with her soul mate and husband of 18 years and their 2 beautiful young children. She is currently drafting her new Chase series.    

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