Thursday, February 11, 2021

Amnesty Review...


There's freedom in remembering.

My past is a double-edged sword.
Damned if I remember; damned if I don't.
Recollection beyond the horrors I already have will change me. Change us.
But what if I'm living a lie? What if everything I believe is wrong?
What if who I thought I was isn't real?
If not her, then...
Who am I?
Eddie says it doesn't matter, but deep down, I'm terrified it does.
I'm trapped. Held prisoner by a past I can't remember and a future that may not belong to me.
There's a light, though not at the end of the tunnel...
It's wavering in the distance, calling to me from Rumor Island.
That light, it scares me far more than darkness. Am I brave enough to confront it?
So many questions, so few answers.
I don't have a choice; the truth always finds a way to the surface.
Finally learning who I truly am will be a permanent life sentence.
Total punishment or absolute amnesty. 



So Cambria Hebert is one of my purchase without knowing what the book is about authors.  This duology was no exception.  I grabbed these books without a clue of what they were about.  I was not disappointed.

So in book 1 (Amnesia) we meet the main characters.  In this book we continue with Eddie and Amnesia's story but we throw in a few curveballs.  The biggest one being finding Sadie and dealing with Sadie's crazy.  The people of Lake Loch are no match for the crazy that their small town is about to endure.  Can Amnesia and Eddie's new found love win over Sadie's crazy?  Does everybody get the help that they need?  What could possibly go wrong?

I fell in love with the characters in book 1 and truly hoped that Amnesia was Sadie.  I'm not going to lie when they found Sadie I actually had to put the book aside for a little while because my mind did a whole WTF thing and I couldn't focus on it anymore.  However, last night I sat down and read the last half of the book.  Once I picked it back up I couldn't put it down again.  Everything concluded and I mean EVERYTHING!  Everybody got their HEA and I was far from disappointed by this book.

Cambria has yet to write a book that I don't like and I look forward to getting through some more of my Cambria backlog.  I've got several sitting on my shelf that I've been putting off while I was in my reading rut in fear of the rut making me hate them.

5 loving stars!

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