Today we have the excerpt reveal of THE EDGE OF REASON by J. Saman! Check it out and be sure to pre-order your copy today!

Author: J. Saman
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Blitz: November 5th
About The Edge of Reason:
I have a certain set of rules I try to live by. Rules that have always served me well. Until now…
Rule one: Don’t have sex with someone you work with.
Rule two: Don’t have sex with your friend’s ex-boyfriend.
Rule three: Don’t have sex with your best friend who also happens to be the same ex-boyfriend of your friend.
Rule four: Don’t ever, under any circumstances, fall in love with your best friend.
I guess it’s safe to say, I officially broke all four of my rules.
Doctor Andrew Albright. Sexy, arrogant, insanely gorgeous, and eternally off-limits.
Not only is he still in love with my friend, his ex, but he’s my rock. My perfect best friend.
The one person I cannot lose under any circumstances.
Especially when my life has a habit of falling apart on a regular basis.
But one mercy kiss later, to save me from an awkward situation, and suddenly everything changes. He flirts relentlessly. Corners me in dark hallways. Throws me panty-melting stares that render me helpless.
I crossed the uncrossable line. Broke every damn rule.
Now our perfect friendship is falling apart.
And he’s doing everything he can to keep it that way…
THE EDGE OF REASON is a funny, sexy, and emotional best friends to lovers, STANDALONE romance.
Pre-Order Today:
Exclusive Excerpt:
I watch Margot stir on the sleep sofa in my office, which she affectionately refers to as her bedroom. In a way, I guess it is. I don’t do a whole lot of work in here and other than housing a desk and my laptop, it’s not much of an office. I shouldn’t be standing here. I shouldn’t be hovering on the precipice of the French doors, sipping coffee and watching my friend sleep.
First, it’s fucking creepy. I know that.
Second, it’s wrong. She’s not mine to watch.
Last night at Jonah’s party, I lost control. I became a jealous, mindless fool. I watched as Margot laughed and smiled and flirted with that Rex asshole. I tried to give her space. I tried to continue to maintain the friends-only boundaries she created between us all week. I was all for it after running from her apartment last week.
But the shots threw me.
I assumed she’d flirt. Margot does that, whether she’s conscious of it or not. But I hadn’t anticipated the shots. Especially after I made the point to give her the glass of wine. Margot wolfing down shots used to equal meaningless one-night stands with awful random men. That was her standard. How she operated.
And it sent me into a fucking panic.
It’s one thing if she’s not yet ready to push past our friends-only zone. It’s another if she takes a guy like Rex home when she could have me. Maybe that makes me selfish. Maybe that makes me a cock-blocking dick. Either way, I don’t care enough to stop. I was protecting her as far as I’m concerned. That guy wasn’t nearly good enough for her. He doesn’t know her. Doesn’t know what she needs. How her mind works.
What makes her smile…like she is now. Busted.
“How long have you been watching me sleep, pervy mc-pervster?”
“I wasn’t watching you sleep,” I lie. “I was bringing you coffee.”
“You mean the one you’ve been drinking?”
“I had to make sure it wasn’t too hot.”
She laughs, shifting on the bed, stretching out like a cat as she opens her eyes. The morning sun shines in through the window and across her face. Her dark hair is wild and sexy, her cheeks still stained pink, her thin tee riding high up her smooth stomach as her arms reach above her head. My heart stops dead in my chest, and I have to look away before I climb on top of her and enter her body without a second thought.
Sitting up, she draws her knees up to her chest, and I can finally take a breath again. She makes grabby hands towards my mug, and I slowly enter the room, sitting on the edge of the bed and handing it to her.
“Perfect temperature,” she teases after taking a sip.
I grin, running a hand across my stubbled jaw. “Sleep okay?”
“Yeah. I always do when I’m here.”
“But not so much at home?” I push because it sounded like there was something else to that.
“No. I do. But I…,” she trails off, glancing toward the thin shade covering the window. “I guess I just sleep better knowing you’re here.”
Christ, does she have to say things like that? It’s not only sexy and provocative, but it makes the man in me who wants to protect her endlessly pound his goddamn chest like a mindless barbarian.
“What about you? You don’t look like you got a lot of sleep.”
I chuckle. “Thanks. Is that your way of telling me I look like shit?”
She smiles as she takes another sip of my coffee, her eyes locked on mine. “You always look good. I know you know that. I was talking about these.” Her warm fingertips glide along the purple bruises beneath my eyes.
“I have a lot on my mind lately,” I admit.
I’ve been hovering on the edge with her for a few weeks now. Stuck in the purgatory between friends and more. I know what I want, and I know what she wants, so yeah, we’re stuck. Doesn’t make for the most restful sleep.
“Would you relax if you were on an island?”
“What?” I laugh the word.
“Is there a place where your mind isn’t always running incessantly. Where you could shut it off.”
“Maybe Everest,” I tease.
She rolls her eyes. “Because you’ll have reached the top of the world. How clever. I’m being serious.”
“I know. And I’ll let you know when I find that place.”
“Nothing is ever complete, Drew. There is always something else you’re going to want to accomplish. You need to find a calm place otherwise you’ll drive yourself insane.”
I lay back on her bed, my hands intertwined behind my head, my elbows butterflied out. I stare up at the ceiling and let out a silent breath.
“I have that with you,” I whisper, slightly afraid of the result of that truth, but it’s there and I won’t take it back.
She’s home. She’s always been home.
About The Author:
J. Saman loves all types of novels, but finds herself always going back to writing/reading romances. She's addicted to Diet Coke and sour candy, and swears way too much. She's an admitted lover of picking at old wounds, second chance romances, love triangles and the perfect amount of angst . She writes smart, strong women and sexy alpha (slightly nerdy) men who have a softer side.
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