Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Off-Season...

Today we have the release blitz of The Off Season by Megan Green! Check it out and grab your copy today!

Title: The Off Season

Author: Megan Green

Genre: Sports Romance


About The Off Season:

He had it all…

The day Ian “Tag” Taggart’s world comes crashing down around him, he’s sitting in a fast food drive-thru, waiting for an order of fries. Golden boy of the MLB and shortstop for the Washington Rampage, Tag quickly finds himself losing grip on his superstar life with the use of two awful words: sexual assault.

The only problem? He’s innocent.

Tag’s willing to do anything to prove to the world he’d never commit the crime he’s been accused of. So when his agent suggests taking a break from the spotlight, he listens. The quiet town on Maple Lake is everything Seattle isn’t. And Lexi Barnes is everything he wasn’t expecting to find.

Running from a past she can never escape, Lexi wants nothing to do with her new neighbor. But fixing up an old house takes more work than anticipated, and the new guy in town happens to have quite the set of carpentry skills. She won’t let herself fall for him though. She has no room in her life for love.

If only someone would tell her heart that.

He’s funny and charming. She’s closed off and rude.

Together, they’re like fire and ice.

Prepare to get burned this Off-Season.

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Exclusive Excerpt:

“You’re sure you don’t need my help, Lex? I’m more than happy to hang around a bit longer.”

I let out a deep breath, blowing away the strand of hair that fell across my face, as I scrub the kitchen floor. “I told you, Ella, I’m fine. Get your ass out of here, and get back to those babies of yours. Drew is probably going out of his mind by now.”

My sister pulls her bottom lip in between her teeth, her eyes darting from where I’m kneeling on the floor to the stacks of boxes arranged haphazardly around the room. “I feel bad, leaving you like this. I was the one who convinced you to move all the way out here. The least I can do is help you unpack.”

Dropping the scrub brush back into the bucket of soapy water, I push myself up off my knees and take in my sister. For a woman who had twins only six months ago, she looks amazing. In blue leggings and a white T-shirt, you’d never guess that, only half a year ago, the woman looked like she’d swallowed an entire watermelon. Maybe two. I’ve always envied her for that. Throughout our childhood and teen years, she was able to eat anything she wanted without a second thought to what it might do to her thighs while, if I even looked at a cheeseburger, I would gain ten pounds. I’ve spent my entire life counting calories and watching everything I put into my mouth, and I still never look as good as she does without any effort.

Until now anyway. I haven’t exactly had much of an appetite this past year. That’s one perk of everything that’s happened. I’m the thinnest I’ve ever been in my life. Probably too thin, if there is such a thing.

I walk across the room, circling my arms around Ella’s shoulders when I reach her, giving her a brief, firm hug. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, Ells. You believed in me when nobody else did. You stood by my side when everyone else turned the other cheek. And you helped me find my dream house without even knowing it was what I was looking for.”

Ella’s brows rise in a skeptical look as she takes in the run-down condition of my new home. “Dream house, huh? I think you should set your sights a little higher next time, Lex.”

I laugh as I spin her around and shuffle her toward the door. “You just wait. Fixing this place up is exactly what I need. It’s going to be freaking spectacular.”

My hand closes around the doorknob, pulling hard to open the front door that I already know sticks slightly. It’s one of the many things on my list of to-dos for this place. When the door still doesn’t budge, I brace my foot up on the frame for leverage, giving it another strong tug.

My sister’s laugh registers before the fact that I’m now planted squarely on my ass, doorknob in hand. I look between it and the new hole in the door where the knob used to be, and before I can help myself, I join in.

“God, this place is a dump,” I say between breaths, wiping the tears developing in my eyes. It’s the first time in a long time that the tears are from laughter and not pain and anguish. It feels so good to laugh.

And then the guilt hits.

Do I deserve to feel good after what I did? Do I deserve to laugh with my sister after almost taking that privilege from someone else? I ruined someone’s life. What in the hell am I thinking, sitting here in a fit of giggles while that person is still going through hours of pain and therapy?

About the Author:

Megan lives in Northern Utah with her handsome hubby, Adam. When not writing, chances are you’ll find her curled up with her Kindle. Besides reading and writing, she loves movies, animals, chocolate, and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. She loves hearing from readers, so drop her a line! You can find her here:

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The Dating Trilogy Cover Reveals...

Today we're thrilled to be sharing THE DATING TRILOGY covers with you! DATING IN THE DARK (The Dating Trilogy Book 1) will be available March 19th! Check them out and pre-order now!


Call center girl by day and...this is the part where I say I do something super mysterious and exotic by night. Yeah not so much.

With the big 3-0 looming its ugly head around the corner my best friend and my married and very pregnant sister have decided that I need a life. One that includes the opposite sex. Or else continue on, and become the old spinster they say I am.

It was all in jest until they set me up with a blind date. Literally.

Speed dating. In the dark. With a stranger. What were they thinking?

Fifteen minutes, that’s all you get to find the man of your dreams. Oh yeah, that’ll go over about as well as a nun in a strip club.

Playing along might not be so bad. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like I’ll actually end up falling in love.

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Pre-order the rest of the series!

Sinking in the Shadows


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Loving in the Night


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About Alexandria Bishop

Born on a small southeastern island in Alaska and raised in southern Oregon, Alexandria Bishop is a PNW girl at heart. By day, she goes to battle with a tiny dictator aka her toddler and by night, she can be found typing ALL the words of her contemporary romance novels accompanied by a glass of wine or two ;)

When she’s not in mommy or author mode, she can be found drinking copious amounts of cold brew coffee, bingeing her latest obsession on Netflix, or attending concerts of her favorite pop-punk bands.

She loves hearing from her readers and you can find her on social media here:

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Upside of Being Single...

If anyone asks, I knew better than to flash my boobs for Mardi Gras beads.
I still don’t know why I did it.
Maybe it was the dare from my two best friends.
Maybe it was the guys on the balcony saying they’d throw Fireball shots with the beads.
Or maybe it was the quiet guy in the corner of that same balcony with piercing gray eyes, wavy dark hair, and a smile so tempting I wanted to climb up there and lick it off his face.
Maybe it was because I never thought I’d see them again.
Not that it matters. Not today.
Because the hotel I manage was finally bought—and the guy who walks in and introduces himself as my new boss is Mr. Tall, Dark, and Silent.

There are many upsides to being single.
Your new boss knowing what your boobs look like?
Not one of them.

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“I just—I don’t get it.” I threw myself onto the sofa and almost sent the box of donuts flying onto the floor.
Thankfully, Peyton was quicker than the box. She grabbed it and sat back, hugging it to herself. “First, watch the donuts. I got the last two pink sprinkles, and I’m partial to them.” She stroked the top of the box. “Second, what don’t you get? How he doesn’t care about your boobs? I don’t care about them either.”
“You’re not supposed to care about my boobs. You’re a woman, for a start.”
“I care about your boobs,” Chloe interrupted, tucking her blond hair behind her ear. “I think you have great boobs. Bra or no bra.”
“Usually no bra,” Peyton added.
“I’m not afraid to throw something at you,” I warned her. “This is awkward.”
“Ugh! Get over yourself, Melanie!” Peyton snapped her fingers. “You are a grown woman. He is a grown man. He saw your tits. So what? Steven Lawrence saw your tits five times in junior year.”
I snatched a donut from the box. Don’t tell my hips. “We were dating! It’s entirely different!”
Chloe delicately picked up a white-iced donut before saying, “She’s right. It is different, Peyt. They were dating, and Jacob is her boss. You can’t expect her to just get over that. It is partly your fault.”
“It’s just as much your fault,” Peyton reminded her, then looked at me and nodded toward Chloe. “Drunky smurf over here shook her Tic-Tacs like she was in front of a bachelor party leaving a curry house.”
I choked on my laughter. “That’s not the point. You got us drunk. It’s almost entirely your fault.”
“Look, sunshine,” she said, tearing a bite of donut off the ring so her words were muffled. “I didn’t grab your shirt and whip it up like a two-dollar hooker on overtime. You did that, so grow a pair and take responsibility for your actions.”
“You sound like you don’t want to take responsibility for yours.”
“Hey. You’re big girls. You can refuse cocktails.”
Chloe and I shared a glance. “Refuse cocktails?” she said. “I don’t understand.”
“You have us mixed up with your other friends,” I continued. “But, wait. You don’t have other friends.”
“I have plenty of friends,” Peyt said.
“Friends without penises. Or benefits.”
She paused. “We’re not talking about me. We’re talking about your hot boss who knows what your tits look like.”
“You’re not helping.”
“I’m not trying to help. I’m trying to slap your size-eight ass into reality, you idiot.”
“Slap mine into reality and I’m putting yours on a catapult. Right into the middle of the gulf.” I tore my donut in two and gave her boobs a pointed look. “I always wondered if silicone would float.”

By day, New York Times and USA Today bestselling New Adult author Emma Hart dons a cape and calls herself Super Mum to two beautiful little monsters. By night, she drops the cape, pours a glass of whatever she fancies—usually wine—and writes books.

Emma is working on Top Secret projects she will share with her followers and fans at every available opportunity. Naturally, all Top Secret projects involve a dashingly hot guy who likes to forget to wear a shirt, a sprinkling (or several) of hold-onto-your-panties hot scenes, and a whole lotta love.

She likes to be busy—unless busy involves doing the dishes, but that seems to be when all the ideas come to life.



Say You'll Remember Me...

From critically acclaimed author Katie McGarry, comes SAY YOU’LL REMEMBER ME—a story of two people from different worlds pushing themselves, and each other, to get what they deserve!

SAY YOU’LL REMEMBER ME is now available at all fine book retailers. Grab your copy today!


"Doesn't matter who did it. Not anymore. I did the time. It's over."

When Drix was convicted of a crime--one he didn't commit--he thought his life was over. But opportunity came with the Second Chance Program, the governor's newest pet project to get delinquents off the streets, rehabilitated and back into society. Drix knows this is his chance to get his life back on track, even if it means being paraded in front of reporters for a while.

Elle knows she lives a life of privilege. As the governor's daughter, she can open doors with her name alone. But the expectations and pressure to be someone she isn't may be too much to handle. She wants to follow her own path, whatever that means.

When Drix and Elle meet, their connection is immediate, but so are their problems. Drix is not the type of boy Elle's parents have in mind for her, and Elle is not the kind of girl who can understand Drix's messy life.

But sometimes love can breach all barriers.

Fighting against a society that can't imagine them together, Drix and Elle must push themselves--Drix to confront the truth of the robbery, and Elle to assert her independence--and each other to finally get what they deserve.

Grab your copy of SAY YOU’LL REMEMBER ME here!

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“Everyone says you have a blank slate.” My brother Axle sits beside me on the ground, arms resting on his bent knees, and he stares at the bonfire I built with my own two hands with only flint and sticks. It’s one of the many tricks I learned over the last three months. That and how to survive on my own in the middle of nowhere.

Trees and bears I can handle. It’s not knowing who I can trust, now that I’m home, that’s the problem. Axle knows this. It’s why he’s next to me as our friends and family walk around the backyard for the impromptu “Welcome Home” party I told Axle I didn’t want.

Someone in this yard is the reason why I spent a year away from home for a crime I didn’t commit.

My neck tenses, and I roll it in an attempt to release the anger. It took me close to eight months to find some Zen, and it has taken less than thirty minutes for some of the old underlying rage that followed me around like a black thunderhead to return.

Across from us, two girls I used to go to school with are roasting marshmallows. They’re waiting for me to talk to them. That’s who I was before: the smooth talker, the guy who made girls laugh and caused them to light up with a few specially chosen words. The right smile dropped at the right time, and panties would be shed. But I don’t feel up for conversation and I don’t feel like manipulating anyone anymore.

Crazy—I used to thrive when surrounded by people. The more, the better. But after being in juvenile detention for seven months and spending three in the wilderness taking part in an Outward Bound program for troubled teens, I’m more at ease by myself in front of a fire.

“They’ve all confirmed you’re walking out of all this with sealed records,” Axle continues.

Hel’s leaving out the part of how those records only remain sealed if I uphold my end of the plea deal—the agreement I made with the district attorney after I was arrested. I agreed to plead guilty, and the DA didn’t charge me as an adult and send me to hard-core prison. Considering we had no money for a lawyer to help prove my innocence, the deal sounded like the better of two bad options.

“You’re getting a massive second chance,” Axle says.

It was rotten luck that got me into this mess, but it happened at the right time. Our governor was searching for screwed-up teens to use for his pilot program. Someone high up in the world thought I stood a chance at turning my life around, but that second chance comes with a price. A price my brother is currently breaking down for me.

“This is a good thing. A blank slate. Not many people get one of those.”

Blank slate. That’s what I’m scared of. I may not have liked parts of the person I was before I was arrested, but at least I knew who I was. This blank slate, this chance to create someone new, scares me. This is a new type of pressure. At least I had a good excuse for being a delinquent before. Now, if I mess up, it’s because I’m truly broke.

The fire crackles then pops, and embers rise into the late May night. My younger sister laughs at the other end of the narrow yard near the aging shotgun house, and the sound is like an eight-eight beat with a high hat cymbal. It’s welcomed, and it’s the first time this feels like home.

She’s sixteen now, grown up faster than I’d prefer, and she’s one of the four people I love more than my own life. She’s also the only reason I’m still out here instead of holed up in my room. According to Axle, it was Holiday’s idea to set up the party.

Old Christmas lights are strung from one towering oak tree to the next, zigzagging green, red and blue across the yard. Most people brought their own chairs and a dish to share. My first meal as a free man and it’s hamburgers, hot dogs and potato salad. I don’t have the heart to tell her I would have given my left ball for a slice of thick crust pizza.

“She missed you,” Axle says, catching my train of sight.

“I missed her, too.” Those are my first words since we pulled in the driveway. I used to be the life of the party, but that was before, and as I said, I don’t know who I am anymore, so for now, I’m quiet.

“I missed you,” he says in such a low tone I barely catch it. “We weren’t the same without you.”

I take a deep breath because I’m not sure any of us will be the same again.

Order your copy of SAY YOU'LL REMEMBER ME, register and you will receive AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER, a novella that features your favorite Pushing the Limits and Thunder Road characters!  

From the Pushing the Limits series, Noah, Beth, Isaiah, West and Logan are all grown up. Catch up with your favorite characters as one of them finally says, I do.

Pigpen, Eli and Addison from the Thunder Road series: Three separate personalities who still needed to find love...and still had someone important to meet.

This is a limited time offer! So hurry! Registration ends on February 3, 2018! You must register your order to receive AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER. 

About Katie McGarry:

Katie McGarry was a teenager during the age of grunge and boy bands and remembers those years as the best and worst of her life. She is a lover of music, happy endings, reality television, and is a secret University of Kentucky basketball fan.

Katie is the author of full length YA novels, PUSHING THE LIMITS, DARE YOU TO, CRASH INTO YOU, TAKE ME ON,  BREAKING THE RULES, and NOWHERE BUT HERE and the e-novellas, CROSSING THE LINE and RED AT NIGHT. Her debut YA novel, PUSHING THE LIMITS was a 2012 Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction, a RT Magazine's 2012 Reviewer's Choice Awards Nominee for Young Adult Contemporary Novel, a double Rita Finalist, and a 2013 YALSA Top Ten Teen Pick. DARE YOU TO was also a Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction and won RT Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Award for Young Adult Contemporary fiction in 2013.


New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Jay Crownover returns with the third standalone title in her Getaway series, ESCAPE. Check out the excerpt below and pick up your copy today!

And that’s not all! RETREAT, the first standalone title in the Getaway series, is on sale! You can grab your copy for just $.99 for a limited time only.



Everything inside of him is screaming that he needs to run, he needs to go, he needs to escape.

Lane Warner is used to being overshadowed and overlooked.

After all, he’s the youngest brother and the most laid back one in the family. He’s the one known for going with the flow and not making waves, even when things seem to be at their worst.
Very few things in life have had the ability to rile Lane up and get under his skin. At the top of that list is his childhood friend Brynn Fox…no…Brynn Warner. The fact that they share a last name was the one thing that has the power to light him up and spin him out of control like no other. There was no calm, cool and collected when it comes to all the reasons why Brynn had to become part of his family.
It’s slowly killing him to keep wanting what he can’t have, so Lane sees only one way to stop himself from doing something they’ll both regret…he has to leave.

Everything inside of her is calling out to find him, to follow, to bring him home.
Brynn Warner is used to being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
After all, she’s the daughter of an unrepentant gold-digger who never once blinked at being the cause of her daughter’s pain and suffering.
Very few things in her life have ever brought happiness and a sense of security. At the very top of that list is Lane Warner. She has unwaveringly loved the youngest Warner since the first minute she laid eyes on him. He was everything Brynn ever wanted and everything she knew she could never have.
Sometimes the right choice is the one that hurts the most and Brynn’s had to make a few that felt like they might be the end of her.

When Lane takes off, one thing is clear, the only choice Brynn has is to go after him.

She’s going to bring her wayward cowboy home….whatever it takes.

Escape is a standalone novel, the third book in the Getaway series, which features the hardheaded and brokenhearted Warner brothers and the women who dare to love them. These boys are very good at putting the wild in wilderness.

ESCAPE is now available! Grab your copy today!

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He arched a dark eyebrow. “I’m in no rush to get back to the mess I’m sure we both left behind. I was planning on hanging out with Sutton for a few more days then making my way back home. There’s no reason we can’t make the drive together…unless you would rather fly?”

I stared at him in silence for a long moment, weighing his words carefully. It had to be more than a thousand miles between Sacramento and Sheridan. That was hours and hours of him and me alone in his truck. We purposely avoided being alone when we were at the ranch. There were many awkward moments of silence and word we wanted to say but couldn’t. On the one hand, it was all I ever wanted. Lane Warner, with no place to escape me and our tangled, tormented history. We would finally be forced to put the past to rest, whatever that meant for us moving forward. On the other hand, the idea of being alone with him, trapped in that horrible, uneasy silence that plagued us since the second I said “yes” all those years ago made my skin crawl. There was no guarantee that Lane was ready to lance the wounds we’d both caused that had long been infected and festering. He seemed content to pretend things were fine when they were anything but.

He rubbed his thumb along the corner of his mouth and gave me that grin of his that ensured he got whatever it was he wanted. “We can even take a few days and go to the Grand Canyon and Vegas if you don’t mind adding a few stops and several hundred miles onto the trip. I’ve never really been anywhere outside of home and who knows when we’ll get the chance to see it all again.”

He was so persuasive with that charismatic smile and the soft look in his eyes.

Daye caught my attention as she reached for my hand. She was bouncing on her toes, eyes as excited as her uncle’s. “You have to say yes. It sounds like so much fun. I want to go to the Grand Canyon one day. Did you know that you can ride horses down to the bottom?” She had the Warner charm already and did she ever know how to use it.

“That does sound like fun, but are you sure I wouldn’t cramp your style? Especially in a place like Vegas.” I couldn’t disguise the hesitation in my tone.

Lane never made it a secret that he liked the ladies, the flashier and easier the better. Vegas was built for a guy looking for a good time, and Lane was always up for some fun. There was no way I was hitching a ride with him if it meant that I was going to have front row seats for all of his bedroom antics. I was willing to suffer through a lot to get him back where he belonged, but my battered heart couldn’t take watching him with other women anymore. That was one thing about our tenuous relationship that had to change.

He chuckled softly and hooked his thumbs into the front pockets of his jeans. The action pulled the denim down low on his hips flashing a strip of hard, tanned skin. I knew that under his t-shirt he was rocking more than a six pack and had a body littered with carved muscles and sharp lines. Ranch life had blessed all the Warner boys with bodies to die for, but somehow Lane ended up looking the best of all of them. He was quintessential cowboy, rugged and rough in all the best ways. Too bad he knew it and used every inch of that delectable body to his advantage. I couldn’t remember the last time he spent the night alone. All his conquests had to creep past my bedroom door to make their early morning getaway, and there was always a steady stream of them.

“No, Brynn. You absolutely won’t cramp my style. In fact, I can’t imagine anyone else I would want to drive around the country with. I think we could both use the break from our reality and time away from it all. I promise to behave. So,” he lifted his eyebrows and gave me that panty-melting grin. “Are you in or out?”

We watched each other, neither of us giving anything away. I wanted to go with Lane more than I wanted my next breath but I couldn’t tell if he wanted me to tag along with the same ferocity. It was the story of my life, a vicious cycle of wanting Lane Warner. Me wanting him and him not deciding what he wanted.

Was I in or out?

Of course, I was in…I was all in. I was in so deep with him there was no hope of me ever finding my way out. There was only one response to his question that I could give, my brain and my heart wouldn’t allow any other one.

“I’m in.”

And don’t miss the first two standalone novels in the Getaway series, RETREAT and SHELTER. RETREAT is on sale for just $.99! Grab your copy today!
✦ RETREAT on Amazon
✦ RETREAT on Other Retailers

✦SHELTER on Amazon
✦SHELTER on Other Retailers

About Jay Crownover:
Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men Series, The Saints of Denver Series, the Point Series, the Breaking Point Series, and the Getaway Series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.

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Monday, January 29, 2018

Tempting Love...


Can a woman actually make you feel like you’re losing your damn mind?


If she is Corina Miller.

The only woman who has ever made me long for something more, and let me tell you, that has me all kinds of messed up. After months of ignoring my feelings, it’s clear to me I’ve fallen for those piercing blue eyes and sexy smile.

But is it too late?

Have I pushed her into the arms of someone else?

Hell no am I letting that happen.

I’m on a mission to win the heart of the only woman I’ve ever cared about—and the only thing standing in my way is one stubborn and pissed off Corina.

I always did like a challenge.

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I followed him, my hands shaking as I grew angrier by the second. “That’s it? You’re going to let me move out?”
Mitchell reached for his keys, then turned to me. “I can’t force you to stay here, Corina. If you’re unhappy, then yes, you should leave. Do I want you to? No, I don’t. I know I fucked up, but if you’re going to throw it in my face every goddamn chance you get, then you’re right, this won’t work.”
He headed to the stairs that led down to his front door. My heart raced, and I knew I couldn’t leave it like this. Closing my eyes, I called out to him. “Mitch! You never asked me to the Pecan Street Honky Tonk.”
Stopping, he looked back up at me. “What?”
I swallowed hard and took in a quick breath. “The dance, you never asked me. And well, Lane asked me.”
Sadness swept over his face. “What did you tell him?”
Wringing my hands together, I answered, “I haven’t responded…yet. I was waiting for you.”
Mitchell rushed back up the steps and stopped in front of me. I don’t think I’d ever felt my stomach dip like it did when he raced toward me. He cupped my face and leaned in. My chest rose and fell with each breath as I waited for him to speak. His touch sent a flurry of butterflies through my chest.
“Corina, will you go with me to the street dance next weekend?”
My teeth sank into my lip, and I watched as his eyes filled with lust.
“Yes.” I smiled and added, “But only as friends.”
The corner of his mouth rose into a sexy smirk. God, how I loved that smile of his. “It’s a date, then.”
“As friends,” I added.
He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. Before I could even process his lips, they were gone and he was stepping back. “I’ll take it. For now.”

Kelly Elliott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author. Since finishing her bestselling Wanted series, Kelly continues to spread her wings while remaining true to her roots and giving readers stories rich with hot protective men, strong women and beautiful surroundings.

Her bestselling works include, Wanted, Broken, Without You, and Unconditional Love, to name just a few.

Kelly has been passionate about writing since she was fifteen. After years of filling journals with stories, she finally followed her dream and published her first novel, Wanted, in November of 2012.

Kelly lives in central Texas with her husband, daughter, and two pups. When she’s not writing, Kelly enjoys reading and spending time with her family. She is down to earth and very in touch with her readers, both on social media and at signings.

To find out more about Kelly and her books, you can find her through her website.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Tiger's Destiny Audio Book Review...

With three of the goddess Durga's quests behind them, only one prophecy now stands in the way of Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan breaking the tiger's curse. But the trio's greatest challenge awaits them: A life-endangering pursuit in search of Durga's final gift, the Rope of Fire, on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. 

It's a race against time, and the evil sorcerer Lokesh, in this eagerly anticipated fourth volume in the bestselling Tiger's Curse series, which pits good against evil, tests the bonds of love and loyalty, and finally reveals the tigers' true destinies once and for all.



OH MY GOD!!!  I literally just finished listening to this book.  It is not the first time I've read it and it's not the first time I was bawling at the end.  This re-read is due to the fact that the FINAL BOOK IS FINALLY about here.  I've been waiting for this fifth and final book for several years now.

This book feels like it moved the fastest out of all four of the books.  That could be the fact that this book had a lot to cover and was full of challenges.  There was always something exciting around every corner.  There was also a lot of sadness and loss in this book.  I don't feel like I could describe the book without giving absolutely everything away and I hate spoilers!

I am in love with these characters and cried several times through out this book where I cried (not the safest while driving).  The narrator Annika Boras has done an amazing job with all four of the audio books.  I truly hope that she does the final book as well.  The world that Colleen has created is one that I would want to live in.  I relate to Kelsey on a deeper level and honestly wish I had a journey like she did in my life (minus the mega shark, bear attack and many other misfortunes).  

I not only look forward to reading the final book in this series but continuing (rereading part) of her Egyptian series.  If you have not taken the time to read one of Colleen Houk's books then I would highly recommend them.  If you have enjoyed her books feel free to tell me which one is your favorite.

5 enchanted stars!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Crane Sale...

Title: Crane
Author: Stacey Rourke
Genre: NA Paranormal Thriller


The Horseman is unending,

his presence shan’t lessen.

If you break the curse,
you become the legend.

Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane’s disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep.

What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you?

Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse.

But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides?

Crane is the fifth full length novel written by award winning author Stacey Rourke. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, drooly dogs. Stacey loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. 

Visit her at:
or on Twitter @Rourkewrites

Buy Links:

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Midnight Valentine Sneak Peek...

J.T. Geissinger's next novel, MIDNIGHT VALENTINE, releases February 6th and we cannot wait! Get a sneak peek below and be sure to preorder your copy now!



Publishing February 6th, 2018

True love never dies.

Megan and Cassidy were childhood sweethearts who thought they would be together forever. Fate had other plans. Soon after they were married, Cass’s life was tragically cut short. Still grieving her soul mate five years later, Megan moves to the small town of Seaside, Oregon, hoping to rebuild her life.

Her first night there, she meets the town recluse, Theo. Withdrawn, guarded, and mysteriously silent since a terrible accident left him scarred, Theo takes an instant and inexplicable dislike to Megan. But as their paths cross again and again, Megan becomes convinced there’s more to Theo than meets the eye.

When she discovers the reason for his silence, his nightmares, and especially his pointed dislike, Megan becomes convinced of something far more astonishing.

Is a second chance at a once-in-a-lifetime love possible, or is a broken heart the cruelest kind of liar?

Add MIDNIGHT VALENTINE to your Goodreads list here!

Preorder MIDNIGHT VALENTINE now and read for free with KindleUnlimited:

Read an excerpt from MIDNIGHT VALENTINE:

“Hi, there, Megan, this is Coop.”

“Hi, Coop. What’s up?”

Long, awkward pause.

“Uh…I’m still standin’ outside your house.”

I walk to the windows, and there he is, out on the sidewalk near his truck.

“Are you having car problems?”

“No, I’m, uh, just waitin’ on Theo. He’s comin’ out to see you. I texted him what you said, and, uh…” Coop clears his throat. “Well, anyway, he’s on his way. I thought I’d give you a heads-up.”

The circus never stops with this guy. “That’s unfortunate, Coop, because I just got off the phone with Craig from Capstone. He’s going to handle the job.”

Coop scoffs. “Craig? That self-important S.O.B.? You like flushin’ your money down the toilet?”

“No, I don’t. Which is why I negotiated a discount.”

“Lemme guess. He probably quoted you…” He thinks for a moment, looking up at the house, then names a number which is only a few hundred dollars off from Craig’s quote, which is very irritating.

“You seem like a nice guy, Coop, but this conversation is pointless, considering your boss has no interest in working with me.”

“I never said that,” he says quickly. Our gazes meet through the window. I see how serious he is suddenly, his easy grin nowhere in sight.

“I wasn’t going to tell him you did,” I say, sensing this is somehow a matter of great importance.

When Coop blows out a breath, looking relieved, my hunch is proven right. Before I can say anything else, however, he straightens, looking down the street.

“He’s here.” He flashes me a look full of warning, then hangs up, steps out into the street, and holds up a hand.

Fascinated, I watch as a classic Mustang slowly rolls up the street, engine rumbling. It’s black, with windows tinted so dark I can’t see inside, and chrome wheels that gleam in the sun. The car stops in the middle of the street, then Coop walks over and bends down to the driver’s side window.

Several minutes pass and Coop is still standing there, talking to Theo. Or drawing pictures or whatever it is he does to communicate with Mr. Incommunicado.

“What the hell is it with this guy?” I mutter, growing more irritated by the moment.

Finally Coop straightens and the Mustang pulls up to the curb. The engine shuts off. I want to look away, but I’m rooted to the spot, staring out the front parlor window, waiting for what feels like an eternity until the driver’s door opens and Theo steps out.

Black hair.

It’s my first thought when his broad shoulders rise up over the roof of the car. I’ve only seen him in a raincoat, his head covered, but now I see he has a lot of thick, black hair, the length past the collar of his leather jacket. It’s messy. Windswept and untamed, like he only ever combs it with his fingers.

When he turns and looks toward the house, it’s like he knew exactly where I was standing. Our eyes meet with the sensation of a key fitting into a lock: a smooth, inevitable click.

A tremor runs through me, something close to fear but more primal, a pulse of restless energy that makes me want to break into a run.

I’ve never met anyone with more naked emotion in his eyes. His face is stony, but his eyes burn with a thousand unspoken things, all of which are dark.

I resist the urge to step back. We stare at each other until it becomes uncomfortable. I move first, turning to head to the front door, taking deep breaths to calm the sudden throbbing of my heart.

When I open the door, Coop and Theo are walking up the brick pathway toward the porch. Coop is in the lead, smiling nervously. “Hi, Megan!” he calls, as if he hasn’t seen me in forever.

“Hi, Coop. Long time no see.”

Coop ambles up the steps onto the porch that wraps around the front of the house, but Theo stops at the first step and looks at me, as if for permission.

“Sure, Dracula,” I say drily, unamused by this strange situation. “You’re welcome to come in. I’ll put away the garlic and crosses.”

A muscle in his jaw flexes. He doesn’t look amused, either. He steps slowly up, one big boot at a time, until he’s on the porch and I have to look up as he walks toward me with thunderclouds churning over his head. He stops a few feet away and stares down at me as Coop looks back and forth between us, visibly worried.

But I can’t pay attention to Coop anymore. Not with the boiling cauldron standing in front of me. The rumbling mountain of magma about to blow. The seething pool of silent emotions clad in a leather jacket and jeans. If I were a cop, I’d arrest this guy on the spot for disturbing the peace. All by himself, he’s a riot threatening to destroy the entire town.

On the left side of his neck, a snarl of scar tissue peeks over the collar of his shirt. His nose was broken once and not fixed well. There’s a ragged white scar above his left eyebrow that disappears into his hairline, and he walks with a barely perceptible limp, favoring his left side. And those dark, dark eyes. God, how they burn.

Whatever the accident was that he was involved in, it’s left its mark on this man, in more ways than one.

Watch the trailer for MIDNIGHT VALENTINE:

About J.T. Geissinger

A former headhunter, J.T. Geissinger is the author of more than a dozen novels in contemporary romance, paranormal romance, and romantic suspense.

She is the recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and is a two-time finalist for the RITA® Award from the Romance Writers of America®. Her work has also finaled in the Booksellers’ Best, National Readers’ Choice, and Daphne du Maurier Awards.

Join her Facebook reader’s group, Geissinger’s Gang, to take part in weekly Wine Wednesday live chats and giveaways, find out more information about works in progress, have access to exclusive excerpts and contests, and get advance reader copies of her upcoming releases.